30.04.2020 / Communiqué de presse
The charitable Rauch Family Foundation of the Bavarian-based company MAHA donated EUR 25,000 to the University of Applied Sciences Kempten to continue its development work on a stair-climbing wheelchair and another EUR 20,000 to the network of aid organisations for the purchase of an emergency vehicle with special drone equipment.
Haldenwang, 7 December 2021. MAHA is socially very committed through its charitable Rauch Family Foundation. The company has again demonstrated this several times in recent months. The private charitable foundation is committed to helping people who find themselves in an emergency through no fault of their own.
Thanks to the donation of 25,000 EUR, the "AssistMobil" project at Kempten’s University of Applied Sciences could be continued. This is a wheelchair that has legs as well as wheels and thus makes it possible to climb stairs. The aid is intended to promote the mobility, independence and participation in social life of people who are dependent on a wheelchair.
A second sum of 20,000 EUR was donated by the foundation to the drone group, which was newly founded this year and is made up of the Förderverein Technisches Hilfswerk (THW) and the Freiwillige Feuerwehr (FFW) in Sonthofen. The money was invested in the purchase of a vehicle with special technical equipment for drone operations. The foundation has also already financially supported the purchase of the drones. With the purchase of the emergency vehicle, the equipment has now been completed and the drone groups have become even more mobile and powerful.
Due to their built-in thermal imaging cameras, the drones themselves can be used multifunctionally for the search for missing persons and people, for reconnaissance flights during floods, hazardous material missions, the localisation of fire nests and many other emergency situations.
"In the meantime, drones have long since become indispensable tools in the work of aid organisations to explore and eliminate dangers more quickly. They also increase the safety of the emergency services," said Anton Klotz, Chairman of the Foundation Board, at the handover of the donation.